(4th September 2000)
(10th Sept 2001)
- The name of the Club, founded in 1901, shall be "Dolphin Swimming Club"
- The Club colours shall be NAVY BLUE and YELLOW.
The objectives of the Club shall be;
1) To promote the teaching and practice of swimming, lifesaving and Waterpolo in all aspects among its members
in accordance with Child protection Guidelines of Swim Ireland and the Code of Ethics and good practice in Childrens sport
in Ireland and to review the implementation of these objectives annually. (99)
2) To engage in all aspects of competitive activity to the highest possible level.
- The Club will be run under Swim Ireland and F.I.N.A. Laws.(99)
4. To have a child centred focus, which continues to emphasise the overall development, safety,
health and welfare of Children at all levels within the sport. (99)
1.Membership shall be open to males and females who wish to take part in competitive and non competitive activities and
to non competing adults who wish to support club activities as associate members.
2. Persons wishing to become a club member shall complete an application
form in full together with the appropriate membership fee.
3. To become a member an applicant shall require approval by a majority of the membership sub-committee which
will function under the Hon. Treasurer. The approved list of new members shall be forwarded to the executive committee monthly.
4. It is deemed that all persons elected to membership shall have agreed to abide by Club and Swim Ireland
rules. (99)
Only paid up members are entitled to compete in the home gala.
Any member who is chosen to represent the Club at Provincial , National Championships or International team events shall
be free to do so.
Each member shall receive a copy of the Club Constitution and Rules .(99)
9. A member who leaves the Club must return all perpetual trophies and club property belonging to the Club.
- The executive committee, as elected at the annual general meeting, shall be responsible for all the affairs of the
Club. The executive committee shall consist of:
(a) The officers - President, Chairman, Vice-chairman, Hon. Secretary. And Hon. Treasurer.
- Committee members - Club Coach and three other members.
- Complaints Committee 5 members, none of whom can be an Officer or Member Of the Club Committee. (99)
- The quorum at executive committee meetings shall be 4 people of which 2 or more shall be officers.(2000)
- The committee shall meet as often as required but at a minimum of once a month during the Competitive season. (99)
- The committee shall be elected for a term of one year.
- Where there is an equality of votes the chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
- The committee shall have the power to co-opt members to fill any vacancy on the committee with the exception of
that of chairman.
- The committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees to perform specific functions. All decisions taken by sub-committees
shall be subject to the approval of the executive committee.
7.1. The Committee will inform members of and implement
any changes or new rules which Swim Ireland introduces between Club AGMs at a Special General meeting convened for that purpose.
8. Any committee member absenting himself from three consecutive meetings, without reasonable explanation,
shall be deemed to have resigned.
- Committee members shall respect confidentiality of matters discussed at meetings.
- The Committee will appoint two Child liaison officers who shall not be members of the Teaching or coaching staff or the
Club Committee. (99)
- All Committee and staff members will sign the required Swim Ireland officials registration Forms and Code of ethics on
taking up any position in the Club. (99)
- The President shall represent the Club at all official functions and in his absence shall nominate somebody to act on
his behalf.
- The Chairman shall be the Chief Executive officer of the Club and shall speak for the Club on all day to day matters affecting
Club activities. He may from time to time nominate somebody tospeak on behalf of the club on specific areas. The Chairman
shall preside at all meeting of the executive committee and in his absence the Vice- Chairman shall act as Chairman. The Chairman
shall be responsible for the preparation of the Annual Report. The Chairman, together with the other officers, shall be responsible
for drawing up detailed job specifications for the positions of Secretary, Treasurer and Coach. These may be amended and/or
altered from time to time by agreement.
- The Secretary shall take minutes of all executive committee meetings and circulate these to committee members prior to
the next meeting. All correspondence shall be addressed to the Secretary who shall attend to, and report on same to the committee.
He shall also attend to such matters as may be referred to him by the Chairman of the committee. The Secretary shall maintain
an accurate register of all club members and Club records, which he will pass onto his successor on leaving the office of
. The Secretary will notify Swim Ireland of all Updates/changes
to the Club Constitution and Information/Rulebook as and when they occur. (99)
The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts and books at all times. He shall receive and deposit all cheques and monies noting
the source of these receipts. All accounts properly presented to the treasurer will be paid on the basis of prior or post
confirmation by the executive committee. Cheques will be signed by two of three nominated officers of whom the treasurer shall
always be included. He shall submit a written report of the current financial position of the Club at each meeting. At each
annual general meeting the treasurer shall submit an audited account for that year for the information of the members. The
Club year shall be from 1st June to 31st May. (amended 98) . (the Club year shall be from 1st
August to 31st July. (2001)) The committees bank accounts shall be as decided from time to time and all
bank statements shall come through the Treasurer.
The Club Coach shall be appointed by the executive committee for a period not exceeding three years unless by special
agreement. The appointment will be renewed annually. The Coach shall be responsible for all teaching and coaching of swimming
and other activities within the Club supported by a team of coaching assistants as might be required from time to time. The
selection of all teams shall be his responsibility in liaison with coaches of the respective squads. Out of pocket expenses
will be paid as incurred and agreed from time to time with the executive committee. He shall submit a written report monthly.
He will organise the appointment by the swimmers of a Male and Female team Captain, who will have the
responsibility of liasing with and between the Swimmers and the Club committee on any matters which they or the swimmers wish
to discuss at Club level. The Captains shall be chosen from the senior swimmers, in view of the responsibility of their position
and they should at all times bear in mind that they are role models for the junior members of the Club. (99)
- The Child Laision officer duties shall be those determined by the Child protection guidelines For Parents and officials
(Swim Ireland) and the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Childrens Sport in Ireland. (99) The CLOs Name, address and telephone
numbers with a current photograph will be displayed in the pool area accessable to all swimmers/club members. The CLOs will
accept any communication from swimmers/club members and will communicate that information/communication to the committee,
preferably the secretary. As such the CLO is a confidential channel through which the Swimmers/club members can air their
views/grievances without direct contact with any member of the Committee or complaints committee.(02)
CLOs position will be reviewed at each AGM (99)
The Complaints committee will elect a chairman and secretary from the body of the committee On their first meeting. The
complaints committee will keep accurate and up to date records of all Complaints made in original and chronological order.
The Complaints committee will investigate And determine on the validity of any complaint on the balance of probability, and
will make recommendations to the Club Committee on what disciplinary action should be taken. The Club committee will
consider such recommendations persuasive in nature and will follow the recommendation(s) unless there are mitigating or other
justifiable circumstances which were not considered by the Complaints committee in making its recommendation(s). (99)
Complaints of any nature that are received from any persons on any matter will be logged in the minutes of the Club committee
in original and chronological order. (99)
The sitting committee are obliged to expedite a resolution to any and all complaints
as soon as is possible.(02)
Any complainant must make complaints, other than child protection complaints, to a member of the Committee,
preferably the secretary or CLO. This will then be passed on to the complaints committee for review who shall reply to the
committee on the matter (as a matter or urgency (02)) at their earliest convenience.:
these may be made verbally but preferably in writing. Any member of staff or committee against whom an
allegation of child abuse is made must stand down from his position, until the complainant and committee and any other
bodies who may be required to deal with the complaint are satisfied with the conclusion of the matter. Should either party
be dissatisfied with the decision of the Club committee they can appeal to the Complaints Committee of Swim Ireland in writing
within fourteen days of the Club handing down its decision.
- The Club annual general meeting shall be held within 15 months of the preceding AGM. 12 members to form a quorum. (amended
June 98).
- Members shall receive not less that 14 days notice. A notice posted on the Club notice board shall be deemed to be the
minimum notification to members.
- Paid up members over 16 years of age or one Proxy per member under 16 years of age shall be eligible to vote and paid
up members over 18 years of age shall be eligible to hold any position on the committee.(99)
- At this meeting the annual reports shall be presented. These shall consist of Chairmans report, Secretarys Report, Treasurers
Audited Report , and Coaches Report.
- Nominations for officers shall be lodged with the secretary together with the proposers and seconders name at least 7
days before the annual general meeting. Election of officers and committee shall be by ballot.
- No officers shall serve as an officer for more that 3 consecutive years in the one position and for a maximum of
six years as an officer. Any member having spent 12 months outside the officership of the Club may have his name subsequently
proposed and seconded for a subsequent period as an officer. (Where an immediately previous officer who has served a 3
year term is proposed for election there must be a two thirds majority of those present in favour of that persons name remaining
on the ballott sheet. If such a person receives atwo thirds majority then they shall be considered for election through the
usual process. If such a person does not receive a two thirs majority then their name shall be removed from the ballot sheet(2001)).
- Any member proposed or nominated as an officer must have at least two years continuous membership of the Club.(Any
member proposed or nominated as on officer must have at least served one year as a committee member and have had at least
two years continuous membership of the Club)(2001)
- The committee members on the executive shall be the Club Coach (who may substitute one of his assistants to attend meetings),
together with three other members whose names may be proposed and seconded either prior to or at the annual general meeting
- No alteration of rules shall be made except at a general meeting or special general meetings. (99)
- Notice of motion shall be sent to the secretary at least 7 days before the date of the annual general meeting
with the names of proposer and seconder setting out the old rule as well as the amendment.
- Motions without due notice shall not be discussed or voted on.
- At the general meeting each member present and entitled to vote shall have one vote on every question. Where there is
an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
- Motions to make new rules or to alter or rescind existing rules shall require a simple majority of those present and entitled
to vote.
- All motions, except those for which expressed provision is made, shall be passed by a simple majority of those present
and entitled to vote.
- Votes on motions or amendments shall be taken by a show of hands, but any person entitled to vote may demand a ballot
when tellers shall be appointed.
- Motions to amend or alter the Constitution must be passed by a two-third majority of members present and entitled to vote.
- All motions passed in accordance with these rules shall take immediate effect unless otherwise stated.
- The order of business to be transacted at the annual general meeting, unless standing orders are suspended, shall be.
- Presidents Opening Address.
- Minutes of last AGM and any Special General Meetings.
- Apologies
- Annual reports.
- Election of Officers and Committee.
- Notices of Motion.
- Any other business ruled in order.
- Two delegates to Swim Ireland AGM will be elected by the incoming committee from the body Of the committee and coaches.(99)
- A special general meeting may be called at the discretion of the executive committee.
- A special general meeting may be called at the request of 20 eligible members, subject to 21 days notice being given.
Every such request should specify the business for which the meeting is being convened and no other business shall be transacted.
- Members shall receive not less than 14 days notice.
- All motions should be passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote.
- In addition to the above the ordinary rules governing conduct of the annual general meeting shall apply.
- All club members shall be liable to pay an annual membership fee that will be due on 1st Sept. of each year
- the commencement of the Club year. Only paid up members are entitled toparticipate in Club activities.
- The executive committee shall fix the membership fees for both competing and non-competing members on or before 1st
Sept each year.
- The committee shall have the power to suspend any member fails to pay his fees within one month of the due date.
- In addition to the membership fees an activities fee may be levied on those participation in the swimming and other activities
of the Club. The executive committee shall fix the amount of thesefees, which shall be payable at such time and in such manner,
as the executive committee may determine.
- The committee shall have the power to negotiate sponsorship contracts on behalf of the Club.
- The committee shall have the power to disperse sponsorship grants at its discretion.
- The competing members shall wear, display such insignia or attire as may be directed by the executive committee relative
to such sponsorship.
- The committee may from time to time, need to engage in fund-raising activities and shall have the full support of all
members in their endeavours.
- Any monies accruing from such fund-raising activities shall be dispersed at the discretion of the committee.
- The committee shall have the power to allocate financial subsidies to members of the Club.
- Such subsidies shall be paid solely at the discretion of the committee and may cover competitive and non-competitive activities.
NOTE; In this Constitution and Rules male and female are referred to as male.
Singular and plural numbers are inter-changeable.
Effective date of this constitution 10.09.2001